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Revamp Your Home Exterior with These Updated Tips

Repainting your home’s exterior can breathe new life into your property, whether you're aiming for a fresh style, increasing your home’s value, or preparing to sell. Keeping an eye out for signs that your home needs repainting is crucial. To ensure your exterior paint job is a success, here are three essential tasks to tackle before picking up a paintbrush:

Check the Weather Conditions

Choosing the right weather conditions is paramount for achieving optimal quality in your exterior paint job. Ideally, the temperature should fall between 50 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit for the best results. Depending on your region, this could mean aiming for painting in early spring or fall to avoid extreme heat or cold. Also, ensure there's no rain in the forecast and monitor humidity levels, which can affect paint drying and adhesion. If you reside in a high-humidity area, consider using mold and mildew-resistant paint to prevent issues.

Prepare the Surfaces Thoroughly

A smooth and clean surface is essential for proper paint adhesion. Start by washing off dirt and grime using a hose and scrub brush or a power washer. Be cautious with the power washer to avoid damaging surfaces. Remove any peeling paint with a scraper and sand down rough areas using a power sander with 60-grit followed by 100-grit sandpaper. Fill in holes and cracks with wood filler and caulk where necessary. Don't forget to protect surfaces you don’t want to paint with drop cloths or plastic sheeting.

If you're short on time for prep work, consider professional services like Color World's pre-painting process and power washing service.

Conduct Thorough Research

Gathering all necessary information is crucial before diving into your exterior painting project. Decide on paint color, type, and whether you'll hire professionals or go the DIY route. Consider factors like time, available tools, and budget. Research potential painting contractors thoroughly, checking reviews and requesting multiple quotes to compare prices and services. Utilize resources like Color World's free estimate service to make informed decisions.

For more painting tips, both interior and exterior, keep up with our blog or follow us on social media. With proper preparation and research, your exterior paint job can transform your home's appearance and add value to your property.
